10 months ago By Emily Harris
This week we welcomed Clara Braunger De Vasconcelos to both Public Sector People and Design & Build, who has joined the business as our new Head of Marketing. Clara has extensive experience in strategic marketing across a range of industries and has a unique understanding of the role e-commerce plays in growing an organisation's market share. Clara's knowledge and experience are a great asset to PSP and D&B's overall marketing efforts and will help cement our position as the most trusted agency in Australia. To find out more about Clara’s new role and her goals for the marketing team moving forward, read her answers below:
Welcome, Clara! What was it that attracted you to join Design & Build?
I love the company values and culture- especially the emphasis they put on doing the right thing by everyone they interact with (colleagues, candidates, clients)! Although I’ve never worked in recruitment before, I am a big fan of the industry. My friends always ask for my help with job hunting, interview and CV preparation and I always love to help them.
Can you tell us a little bit more about your new role as Head of Marketing?
As Head of Marketing, my main objectives will be to develop the Marketing Strategy and the future growth of the Marketing team. There are many opportunities in terms of Marketing automation, database segmentation, new marketing channels and content and I am super excited to start my journey here.
We are currently working within a candidate-driven job market. From a marketing perspective, what opportunities and challenges does this present to recruitment companies moving forward?
I believe one of the key Marketing strategies will be around mapping our potential candidates’ journey and their professional needs. Once this picture is clear we can deliver highly relevant content to them and provide accurate and honest communication to them, which contributes to building a relationship based on trust.
What does building trust mean to you?
For me, building trust means showing people that you are genuine, especially when helping clients and candidates. For example, showing genuine care towards candidates means not only investing time into helping them find a job but also support them during the whole recruitment journey. That includes checking in once they’ve started a new role and seeing how they’re doing.
How do you think a recruitment organisation can effectively demonstrate trust – especially with their clients and candidates?
I think recruitment organisations can demonstrate trust on a daily basis through every piece of communication they produce and every interaction they have. Our communication needs to be consistent, frequent and focused on the needs of our stakeholders in order to effectively demonstrate trust.
Do you have any key goals for the D&B marketing team over the next year?
Develop and implement a winning Marketing strategy for both Design & Build and Public Sector People. This includes hopefully growing our own marketing team, as we develop our content and client and candidate database further and expand the business overall.
What’s one food item you can’t live without?
Brazilian cheese bread (Pão de queijo)- if you’ve never tried it, you’re missing out. It’s just amazing!
When you’re not at work, where can we expect to find you?
Usually at home cooking with my friends or at the park with my dog.
You can contact Clara at:
02 9376 8200
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